Friday, September 27, 2013

Exploring the World of Blogs

After getting the hang of blogging, I am quite fond of it. It releases your thoughts, for example like my new Tumblr account  Check it out, it is still new, but it will soon embody  my personality.

However, when I researched the various Blog readers, I immediately fell in love with Tumblr. I thought to myself, " This is  it. Don't look any further. I found what I needed." And I did. I chose my five, plus more blogs to follow. It is was user friendly and I had no worries. I eased through the site.   

Here are some of my pictures from my Tumblr experience.

Although, Bloglovin' didn't get my excited. I went through the motions and set up an account, but after awhile I was, " Eh, I am done." It was bland and "high school libraries" did not show up. I had to enter libraries  to get any type of results. It lacked the personality I was hoping for and I had to go looking for my other blogs I followed. I didn't even like it enough to enclose pictures of my stop with Bloglovin; for you all to see. I expected more. I guess this what I get for starting with Tumblr.

 On to the next, Feedly. It is a part of Google. Convenient and I like it too. It is like Tumblr.... my decision is now wavering... Tumblr has competition. Here are some screen shots of what my homepage looks like... so much to read! :)

The last for me for this  entry is, Digg  Reader. I had high hopes for this site, but they soon deflated because it lacked the luster I was looking for. I didn't find the personalization  button, the color, or pictures to hold my full attention. I guess I am like my students because I got distracted and bored fast, despite the newsworthy blogs I followed. No noteworthy pictures.

So in my book the blog readers I looked at are ranked as follows:

1. Tumblr
2. Feedly
3. Digg Reader
4. Bloglovin'

As you can see I rated Tumblr the best blog reader for myself. I like that it allows me to customize my space with options and has quality blogs to follow too. I cannot lose with Tumblr.

Librarians are using Tumblr and others like it to relate information the best way, through social media. How we receive and send information is changing. Librarians are not notifying the teachers, administrators,  professionals, parents, and students through an announcement, letter,or word of mouth anymore.

It is expanding through Facebook, e-mail, blog readers, and others. Reading and writing go hand and hand and stem off to other subjects, professions, and life skills that children will develop in time. Libraries are vital to the development of children and society. They, and we know it is.

We seen, heard, and  made known because of how they taken action to reach students and the public.  Here are five examples I chosen to follow on Tumblr.

So in my book the blog readers I looked at are ranked as follows:

1. Tumblr
2. Feedly
3. Digg Reader
4. Bloglovin'

As you can see I rated Tumblr the best blog reader for myself. I like that it allows me to customize my space with options and has quality blogs to follow too. I cannot lose with Tumblr.

Some blogs I started following are:

1. librarytiger-blog (Chapel Hill High School Library: ):  It allows the follower to see more than pictures. It shares articles, opinions, and the plain hilarity out of the complicated. It will hold the follower's attention (students) because of the content that it shares. It is more than just a plain a plain site of information.



 For example, they posted a thought provoking article that will capture a student's mind because of the subject it is addressing:  Banned books based on girls and color.

2. mhslinrary (Montclair High School Library ): Captures my heart immediately because of the quote that welcomed me to their site. Their site has the perfect mixture of information, humor, book reviews, date, and more. It is perfect and whoever is the user behind this blog is doing a great job.

3. nikkidrobertson (The True Adventures of a High School Librarian :  has a homey feeling to it.   The follow can see the earnest of the librarian maintaining this bog because of the information that is presented on this blog. It shows the journey of this librarian authentically. This blog shares photos, articles, and professional information to help students and teachers.

4. librarieschangedmylife ( Depicts the importance of  libraries. They share articles and testimonials of actual people and events that changed by libraries.

5. librariesbuildcommunity (Library Journal Show the importance of the library through articles, pictures, and videos. An example:

These are the reasons why I chose this blog reader over the others. They are blogs that can help me become the librarian I know I can be. Like everything, I cannot do it alone.  But, blog readers like this will help develop and transform me into the reading butterfly that is inside me.

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