Thursday, October 3, 2013

Videos and QR Codes in the Library

This week it is about me leaving my comfort zone... using unfamiliar technology. 


First, I am working backwards because I could not wait to design my first book trailer. I had to design a book trailer for one of my favorite books.

The book or in this case books, that I chose was: The Unlikely Pair, Turn the Page, and Personal Attention.  However Carla Krae, the author, made it into a trilogy.  THIS made me very impatient, but it was worth it.

This is my QR code for my Book Trailer! Check out if you  haven't. Scan and watch, enjoy!
If you cannot wait for it to load, here is my book trailer!

As I am charting unexplored territory, QR codes have been around for a while and now are very popular now. I am behind on the times and now libraries use QR codes to send out messages and other information is this format.  I didn't know that! ARGH!  However, it is time for me to research  how it is applied toward libraries and their services.
In this blog, Musings about Librarianship, provides information about how QR cods are used in libraries.

Aaron Tay, the author, states that they use QR codes to have a virtual presence in the technological world. It is faster and easier to do things because of these codes.

If you need more information, this presentation also can help you.

For example, libraries use codes for the following:

1. Blogs
2. Catalogs (Library and others)
3. Webpages (Educational, as well as others)
4. Posters
5. Checking out/ Books
6. Videos

These  either come in URL format, text, email, and/or other formats the user prefers. This allows users to save/use important information quickly.

After researching how libraries use QR codes has inspired me to use them the same way because it is already effective.  In my school library right now, it is difficult for our librarian to help everybody and there is not enough computers to research possible book choices that students are wanting to look up.

Creating codes to help move traffic in my future library will utilize my aides and myself because it optimize our time, knowledge, and relationships we build with patrons. Having QR codes on books will help our students, having a code that links our book catalog will aid student searches for books, and helping them actually researching for class or not can help our students become well-rounded readers, researchers, and life-long learners.


Adding to this adventure was choosing two videos from several YOUTUBE channels which are listed below.


The reason why I chose these two videos from this channel was how the librarian modeled the research that had to be done by students. She didn't leave the students to fend from themselves while wondering the library aimlessly. She equipped them with what they needed promptly and thoroughly.

I believe the students will like the Social Issues Research because it can be applied to today while the poetry assignment that acquired  more research. 


What I like about this channel was how the librarian target essential topics that students need to know to use media properly and legally. She provides several videos on Creative Commons that explain what it is and how to use it. She also celebrates student work done.

From my selection, I believe the students will choose the Creative Commons presentation because it provides effective and thorough information that will help students use media correctly. They can alo always revisit it, if they forgot how to use it. If not, there is the class mini-lesson she created for Ms. Salas. But, the other is targeted for everyone!


I loved this channel because it focused on what the students are doing. Especially, with their vocabulary development. I liked seeing how they were applying their new found knowledge and word to truly ingrain the word to their personal vocabulary bank.

If I was a student I will choose the PaperSlide Story because it shows the process of the assignment and provides student feedback that is encouraging.


I admire this librarian and LOVED this channel. This librarian captures students hearts by using their interest to return books and  get them working.

He also provides personal recommendations based on strong leading ladies in several books he read and uses technology to get students thinking about their future using Go! Animate.

Besides the constant and enjoyable reminders to return overdue books, I believe a student will choose Go! Animate as a helpful and enjoyable video.
Overall, I  believe from all these videos  the most helpful is the Creative Common Presentation because that is vital to any research especially if it is mostly media.

Although,  I believe students will like the Overdue Books Reminders best because it captures their attention and  gets them to remember to their books in.

As My Adventure Ends...

I noticed  the importance of keeping with the times and not hiding under a rock. I need to embrace the websites, apps, and other technological things that surface to keep up with my student/patrons. I need to be able to teach them through what they know and make it fun. It will capture their attention and be able to develop skills that will never fade. I am a work in process that cannot wait for her next adventure with technology.

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