Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Investigating Twitter and its Friends

I love the quotes Dr. Lesesne posted on her twitter account. It is like she is reading my mind.
I believe in what Sean Junkins stated. Education is not about the tests, but the skills acquired. Standardized exams take the fun out of teaching and replace it with stress. It is not until the exams are over that it changes and teaching becomes rewarding again. Empowering students is difficult enough. Teachers have to be creative and educational artists to make sure that students receive more than what the test offers- an actual education, life skills, and good educational habits that go beyond that one classroom, but to a college environment.
I'm a reading teacher and I believe it. If a child falls in love with books, they are hooked forever. They become avid readers for life. Books take children to new worlds, experiences, alternate universes, and places only their imaginations and words could go.  Books change people in general. Are you a believer in books and what they can do for children.

I am not have an opportunity to meet  Dr. Lesesne, but Dr. Perry proved my point without me having  to do it.  I have always been blessed to have great teachers and mentors and I believe I have some  in my graduate program.  This year I was given a Newcomers class and this picture posted by Dr. Perry is going to help me. I recognized  some of the books from our library, but I looked them. Now, I have to go back, check them out, and read them. These books will help my students and me  in return.
Now, a retweet by Dr. Perry from Paul Hankins further my point.
I believe so, because I do. I don't totally believe in the cannon because for the students I teach I need to be able to reach them through books they can relate to. Books tend to last longer with students than music, since it is always changing. Books, novels, stay the same in the inside.  Even though, the cover might change. The content does not.

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