Friday, September 13, 2013

Getting Organized...

For me organization does not come easy. I tried and tried, but my mess wins all the time. When I clean and put things away, I cannot find them. However, in my organized mess I know where everything is. I  have high hopes for these "organizers" to help me. Although, I am a little hesitant because I tried everything and nothing seems to work.

The organizers that I am researching to get me organized are: Wunderlist, Remember the Milk, WorkFlowy, and Pinterest.

I started my journey with Wunderlist and got deeply discouraged. I watched the tutorial videos for the app and was excited to create an account, but when I did, it was not  like what the tutorials depicted. I tried and tried.  So I think Wunderlist is not for me.


However, Remember the Milk  was easier for me and I got what I needed entered rather easily. I liked that it was straight forward and did not consist of a lot steps to set up your different lists.  So far Remember the Milk is my  favorite personally.

It is definitely looking up  for me with these organizational apps.

WorkFlowy is a user-friendly application that compiles different lists for the user. They have a Getting Started Video to help new users with their lists.  It was easy to follow and you do what the presenter is doing while seeing it.

If I had to assign my students to find an organizing app to use for my class or school in general, it will be  Remember the Milk. If I got frustrated with Wunderlist, maybe my students will too.

 Remember the Milk, doesn't hide behind backgrounds, it does what it needs to...remind its user of what  needs to be done . Students don't have the time to mess around with steps, they are busy, so  if something needs to get entered onto a list, Remember the Milk  will have to be the app to be used.

Students can use WorkFlowy too because it can house everything and as they are completing their tasks they can hide them or leave them there. It can also support a big list of tasks without going crazy. However, I believe it is targeted for an older audience because it is in just black and white, no calendar, and no bells and whistles for the younger crowd.

My favorite, Pinterest, is a place where students can see examples of assignments and projects. They can get ideas of how to do something crafty instead of a paper. Students won't be asking or questioning as much because Pinterest provides visuals, OPTIONS, and websites that can help students be more creative and excited about an assignment.

Here is my Pinterest board of  Education. These are my ideas for my classroom, suggested assignments,  and other things that have captured my eye in education.

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