Friday, November 29, 2013

Instagram and Vine on Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving was not what I hoped it because I got sick with a severe cold, but it was still fun.

I love the holidays because of what they stand for- family. I hardly have time just to hang out and catch up, but here is how my Thanksgiving day turned out.

First, we hand breakfast at my in-laws, but forgot to take pictures of our time together. Just note I dropped my orange juice on the table and killed the party. OOPS!

Then, I went to my parent's house ... I couldn't breathe and continued coughing. I didn't want to show that gruesome event. It was horrible.

I had to come home to rest before going to my husband's family luncheon.

It took longer to recuperate and my husband and I were LATE!!!! We arrived and everyone was almost done eating. We hung back until it was time for dessert for them to serve ourselves lunch.

I was going to share a picture of my husband and I, but Instagram is not cooperating. It says content not found. If you want to see my Thanksgiving adventure follow me @ aleimarie.

However, after that I needed rest before Black Friday so we went home for an hour or two before going back to my husband mom's house.

When we did arrive his mother and her sisters were on their way to Wal-Mart already we were glad that did not go earlier because we went to Best Buy and Target with hardly no effort at all. She was still there when my husband, sister-in-law, and I were done with our shopping.

Here is Best Buy last night when we were there. And again,Instagram is not wanting to share the actual picture and the same message shows up. Follow me on Instagram to see the pictures. Although, when we got back to my in-law's house, the fun began.

It took me awhile to figure out how Vine worked and this was the end product. The reason why I liked this one video because it looks like a scary  movie.

My Thanksgiving was fun even if I was sick. My husband and our family made it one of the best.  I enjoyed the time with family that is now scarce because of our busy lives. But, it is moments like these that make it worthwhile.

Using such apps in the classroom is something that can help bring a class together and be able to create a family environment per period.

Instagram is app many students use to express their thoughts and opinions. Using this app can help students feel more comfortable expressing themselves more. This can help them get in deep discussions over the material being covered and practice their English and public speaking.

While Vine is able to show comprehension through what they are able to put together in six seconds. They need to know what they want to do before filming because it will more than on try to get what they want on film, perfect.

Hope your holidays were great and relaxing.

1 comment:

  1. It looks like you and your family had a great time during the holidays! Family time is the best. You did a great job on your instagram and vine!
