Friday, November 22, 2013

Information Curation

Ahh! Trying to find  away to keep up with the news and what is upcoming without reading an actual newspaper. The applications that help with this are:,, and Prismatic. I know there might be more than those three applications that help users locate articles are particular topic  easily and no added hassle. is a user friendly application that is easily accessible through other social sites like Twitter or Facebook. I used my Facebook account to use This application has vibrant colors and uses its layout to draw the user's eyes to the information presented through their topic choice. I used Reading in Schools as my topic and found many articles that I liked. I added several to my page. I had no difficulties with the page because it was self explanatory and  stores the articles effortlessly.

 Here is what my page looks like so far. How I dislike thee.

I logged in just like I did with, through my Facebook, but I didn't like how everything in the end looked. I went through the steps creating my page with my chosen sources and title easily, but it was when I got to see my page in its entirety.

Here is the final product of my page.

I choose well known newspapers that are  creditable sources like: The New York Times and CNN. I guess I had higher expectations with this site.  I wanted hard hitting articles that inspired me to better and want to be apart of something as soon as I got onto  my Staying Current page.  I guess, not.

This site is just like a logging system of articles from various sources with a lot of advertisement . is an organized site, but everything is one the same page based on categories like Politics and Entertainment. To me, it's layout is crammed. It will take more time for me to get used to this site, but it is a site worth using.

As for Prismatic, it is not user friendly. I didn't know what I was doing. I logged it by creating profile, but once I got to page everything was thrown together only is only identified through a topic that is teal colored.  There is no organization other than that. They have interesting articles that will capture readers' eyes easily, but as a user I would like tabs and more organization. I would like it to have more of a personalized feature that what is has.

Here is how my page looks like.

Overall, I prefer because it is user friendly, organized, eye-catching, and  personable compared to the others. Just like me is just simple.

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