Thursday, December 5, 2013

The Changing Library

We all have seen the subtle differences libraries have been conducting so they can stay current due to changing technology and how patrons are using libraries today.

In "Books, libraries, and the changing digital landscape" presented by Kathryn Zickuhr  demonstrates and reveals how it is being done.

Reading, writing, and research in the digital age from Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project

In this study, Zickuhr shows how different age groups use the library through personal devices and library services.

She states that e-readers are taking center stage as print books are not as popular. In the presentation it shows that printed books went down 5% as E-books went up by 7% in 2012. 


Although, it is not because books are not COOL, but because they are used for different things.

I, personally believe this because I read both print and e-books. I choose what type based on the reason why I am reading. If I am reading a book that I started in book form and especially if it is a part of a series, I stick to it.  I read e-books for pleasure.

However, others do it too. Look at the bar graphs. It all, just depends.

However, libraries are still libraries and their services are expanding as technology is.  But, if you look at the graphs you can see  that they are still known for- borrowing books, roaming the stacks, and a quiet atmosphere . You can never take that away from libraries. 

 They are even creating communities for children and teens that are thriving. They are also carring a wide variety of  movies that attract  patrons, as well as, the all importan internet services that allow patrons to use for multiple reasons. These are the reasons why libraries and librarians are essential they bring  many people together.

People are seeking for places of enrichment that can benefit their families and the library does that. I know in the summer when the library was my second home I saw the McAllen Public Library thrive with events and people. I saw the smile faces and families as they entered and left the library. The library is a magical place for people to learn and gather.

It is also being demanded by patrons, they want more of these events, print and e-books, and an actual relationship with the librarians. It can only get better.

 Just look at the slide :) .

The library is evolving and it is just the beginning.

Patrons want more access to librarian because they are seeking answers and librarians are the answer. We as librarians have the responsibility to educate and inform others that are seeking. 4

I love this presentation because it brings the information to the forefront and shows that the library is  a chameleon and it adapts.

Zickuhr, K. (2013). Books, librarians, and the changing digital landscape. Retrieved November 29, 2013,

The presentation had 43 slides.

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