Thursday, November 14, 2013


Using screencasts to help individuals is not as easy as it looks, at least for me. I am a perfectionist and me being me, my screencasts took forever to get done. I got frustrated and grew tired of constantly restarting to get a better take. So, the following clips and information are the final products. EEK!

I started with Screen-O-Matic. It was easy to use because you registered and got your own account which saved your takes from previous times.  I had to do several takes to learn how to  show my viewers step-by-step instructions to do something effectively while talking.  That was proven difficult, but finally I got the hang of it. It was easy to use and straight forward. It is self-explanatory.

 This is my clip from Screen-O-Matic.

However, Screenr is proven difficult. You don't get to register and personalize it like you could with Screen-O-Matic. I couldn't retrieve my embedded link for the clip I did. All I could see was the preview of my link. I tried to login through Google to get the link I needed to post here.  However, it didn't work.  I tried to login using Hotmail. I find myself not trusting this site. I don't see myself using  this app passed this experience. I just don't like that it wants all of our information just to get the video published and still it  still fails to work properly.  It didn't want to publish my clip. So I had to go through creative measure to complete my assigned tasks. I hate sites like this. They are just plain DIFFICULT!!!!

Although, Explain A Website, was not as simple as Screen-O-Matic.  I didn't have to waste time trying to figure out how to use it though.  I like that it ran on a internet page without me having to do it.

But, I struggled with the play back because it did not capture everything I was showing and how to embed it to my blog.  So I couldn't display what I did. Epic Fail!!!

Overall, I prefer the Screen-O-Matic because it was the easiest to use. It didn't require to do nothing, but use the program after I registered.  While the other two, needed something.  Screenr was the most difficult app I had to deal with ever. Just trying to get login to publish my video was laborious. I had to figure it out. I was in front of my computer for hours trying to get it to work. As for the Explain a Website, I had to wait for it to export for me to get anything out of my kiddos. 


  1. Good ideas for screencasts! I think it's easier to do a screencast when it is something you use in the classroom/library every day. I chose the simplest things possible to start out with! :)

  2. It is. I have students that struggle and I have to find the simplest things to help them build their confidence and ability to express themselves freely without fear.
