Thursday, October 31, 2013

Cartoons and Comics

I never thought of myself as an artist or even a comic book creator! However, this entry is opening a colorful feature to digital expression.

Here is what I did!


I first used, ToonDoo.  I liked the site, but it took forever for me to sign up due to email complications. And finally when I did, the complications ensued. I had to figure out how to create a comic strip, by messing around with the tabs and its features. I learned first hand what the site could do and had to figure out how to locate the embed feature to share my toon with you all.

Although, my comic adventures continue with Pixton.

Pixton, was easier to use and navigate. But, more to choose from. I got caught up in my comic when I realized I went over the standard four box comic. I was busy with my storyline. I had fun! Besides needing to confirm my email address before I could access the embed button, I had no real problems. So far, Pixton is in the lead.

On to the last comic app, MakeBeliefsComix.

I liked that I did not have to register to use the site, but not being able to embed my comic was a major setback. I could only use THREE boxes to tell my story. I hated it! The boxes did not allow for much to be done in the box. Even, the dialogue boxes were small and hard to read. This is the worst comic app in my mind because everything was scarce. I, the minimalist, had a problem with its selection and layout. I wanted more!

However, Tellagami helped ease the pain of disappointment. It is easy to use. You are given a speaking or written option for your character. It is able to be use in various situations and environments because it is so versatile.

I like this app because my ESL students will benefit from it. It is like having someone speaking on your behalf. They share your thoughts and what you know. It also will benefit shy students that need a little help speaking in class. I liked it.

These comic apps would help students express their thoughts and ideas from passages, excerpts, and novels easily. It makes the assignment less threatening and still assesess what the student knows because they have to create the comic strip from the bottom up. There is still assessment still being conducted, but, in a way a student can shine. I cannot wait to try this in class.

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