Friday, October 11, 2013

Webbing and Mindmapping

Mindmapping is a new strategy I never heard of that can benefit students in the long run. 

To demonstrate this method I will be using Spicynodes, Popplet, and Wisemapping to display what the article, " Mind Mapping as a Teaching Resource," written by Sarah Edwards and Nick Cooper, had to say.

This article is an advocate for student learning based on what they know and not what can be memorized and chosen on a multiple choice test.

I start my technological journey with Spicynodes.  Let's see how it goes.

It is not starting off well because I cannot figure out how to get my main topic in the middle and not off to the right side.  Despite, the frustration it took time to create a mind map using this application.

What I don't like about Spicynodes is that I cannot see everything I put in at once. I have to click on one topic for its details to appear. It didn't distinguish the different elements in color as the article said either.

Overall, it was okay, but it is not in running to be one of my favorites.


On to the next, Popplet.

As soon I entered the website color manifested. I liked it already. I love color and it's easy on the eyes.

The format was easier to handle and use. However, it does not have spell check. I had to be careful with my fingers. EEHHHH! 

Although, it is my favorite so far.


AHHH, the problems begin with Wisemapping. First, I entered Wisewebbing instead of the actual name.  And  when I entered the real website I have no idea where to start. I clicked on  "new" and a black screen appears with nothing. I clicked on "new" again and nothing happened. I had to  use Safari to get  going.

As I am using the application,  I realized it is more complex than the others. You have more control over your map because you can go in-depth and create it how ever you like, but I believe simple is better. It is a less of a headache.

This format took the longest in everything. I like what it does, but the question is....

Do I want to spend two hours doing this?

The answer is no. I believe it is  not user friendly. I had to watch the YOUTUBE video to figure it out.

That alone was frustrating.

The one I prefer is the second one, Popplet. It is colorful and user-friendly. That means it can be student friendly. Things can get done a lot faster on that application than on the others.

Edwards, S. & Cooper, N.  Mind Mapping as a Teaching Resource. (2010).  The Clinical Teacher. Blackwell Publishing. 7:236-239.

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