Thursday, December 5, 2013

My Semester Reflection

Before starting this semester I was hesitant because technology and I tend to disagree. Something always goes wrong.

 Although, this one semester made me see there is more out there and I need to step out of the box I created. I was never the type to go look for applications I can use. I expected for them to find me.

Despite, my reservations I had to stop and continue. I couldn't be afraid anymore. So I tried and tried until something happened and if you read my blogs, you already know that.

I probably disliked a couple of applications that I didn't like because of conplications or were too complicated. They were: Screenr, Audioboo, Spicynodes, Wisewebbing, Wunderlust,and Pikochart.

Just looking at this list shows me, how much I learned. WOW!

Organizers:  I have been trying to get organized for years and it never happens. I get better, but the problem never gets fully solved. I am an organized mess because once I clean, I cannot find anything. However, not to alarm you I have improved immensely.

Using sites like Remember the Milk allows me to improve. I loved that app compared to those listed.

Infographics: I never thought I was able to take a part data to create an infographic that makes the words on the page make sense. I am not one for research because I am still learning. However, being able to transform something in a visual aid helps me. I am a visual learner.

Blogs : I always wanted to write a book and just keeping up a blog showed me the time and dedication it takes to develop one. Seeing other blogs and the diversity the blog world has is amazing. There is no right or wrong answer.  I truly liked and enjoyed being part and seeing great work beign done out there in libraries all over the world.

Youtube, Animoto, and QR Codes: I have to say this one assignment was probably my favorite because I was able to see Youtube in a different way, create a book trailer, and connect to something right way with just a scan. It was awesome. 

Webbing and Mindmapping: I loved Popplet. I loved to see my thought process as I am doing something because I will never forget.

Cartoons and Comics: I liked being an artist without really drawing because I can barely draw a stick figure. These applications allowed me to send a message through art and several pictures without the hassle.

Online Book Communities: Being a Reading teacher I am always looking for books to read and refer to my students. Using applications like Goodreads, Librarythings, Shelfari, and Booklikes will help tremendously because it will cut the guessing and research in half. I am already using them more frequently now. This assignment made my life easier.

Playing with Words: I loved using words to convey a message, share my thoughts, and create art along the way. I am planning to use this assignment with my writing class as soon as we are done reading our first novel this year: Stone Fox.

Screencasts:  The sound of my voice, speaking while doing something on the computer, and not having a script equals my experience using screencasts. I really never heard my voice before until I was using the applications. I had to try and do it several times before I had a decent take. It takes practice and I am willing to because these applications can make everything easier, especially if I am required to keep a teacher webpage. I can just show what needs to be done once and replay the video. Plus, students can never get behind because it is on there and they can refer to it if need be.

Information Curation:  I am still learning how to look for authentic resources and this assignment showed me how I can store information that is valuable in trustworthy applications to found later. I don't have to shave those articles on my desktop or anywhere else. Just there.

Instagram and Vine:  I signed up for Instagram years ago and I would only used it to look for pictures that inspired me. I never thought I would be adding my photos on there. I honestly thought my life was not exciting enough to take pictures and share them.  However, trying to get a good video of how I spend my Thanksgiving was fun because I actually got to play a game I never played and hangout with my sister-in-law.

I used to love taking pictures and just using Instagram showed me how much I missed shooting a camera and capturing worthwhile moments. It is funny how something just sneaks up on you.

This semester has shown me a lot of things I have lost over time. Hobbies and passions that got lost during life's hustle. Things that just happen and by the time I noticed I was wondering , "Where did the time go."

That is how I am feeling, grateful, as I reflect on this semester because I truly enjoyed getting back to things I used to do: Taking pictures, writing, and just using my hands to create something great and  most of all doing it for books. All of my interests in one. How awesome is that!

I think just getting my students to do a Playing with Words, use Screen-O-Matic, Vine, and create a comic will help immensely because they are able to practice their language and artistic skills. That in turn will allow students to be independent learners and learn skills that will benefit them in future. Plus, enjoy my class!

I am not saying that everything during the semester was perfect because it was not. I struggled through several applications and assignments. However, learning to use technology to the fullest in these formats helped me grow as an educator and future librarian.

Thank you, Dr. Perry.

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